Acid Reflux Is A Symptom, Not A Diagnosis
Do You Suffer From Acid Reflux?
Have you been given this diagnosis and PPI medication for it?
Acid reflux is a symptom of something else going on in your body.
It is typically not an overproduction of stomach acid but the complete opposite actually... low stomach acid regardless of what you have been previously told.
You need to figure out what your overall reflux is being caused by.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Acid Reflux Can Be Caused By:
stomach lining irritation
h. pylori
low stomach acid (which is caused by many things as well, listed below)
food allergies
food intolerances
hiatal hernia
leaky gut
unhealthy eating habits
stress, anxiety
lower esophageal sphincter (LES) not doing its job to hold all the contents in!
Many things can cause acid reflux.
PPI's, antacids, etc. make the issue even worse by suppressing what little stomach acid you may have. This opens a whole other can of worms!⠀⠀⠀⠀
What Exactly Is Stomach Acid & Why Is It Important?
Stomach acid is a very important part of the digestive process. It is a digestive fluid that aids in properly breaking down our food. Without enough acid in the stomach, we cannot properly break down & digest what we are eating.
When you don't produce enough stomach acid it is called Hypochlorhydria a deficiency of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Stomach secretions are made up of hydrochloric acid, several enzymes, and a mucus coating that protects the lining of your stomach.
If you don’t have enough stomach acid, the food stays in your stomach longer than it should and it starts to ferment and this is when you will start getting symptoms such (as bloat, gas, etc.). If this goes on for too long, that is when more health concerns arise.
Signs and Symptoms of Low Stomach Acid:
Are you experiencing any of these symptoms?
👉🏻 Bloating & gas
👉🏻 Excessive burping
👉🏻 Heartburn/acid reflux
👉🏻 Stomach pain
👉🏻 Constipation/diarrhea
👉🏻 Undigested food in your stool
👉🏻 Nutrient deficiencies
👉🏻 Food sensitivities
If you don’t have enough stomach acid you are:
👉🏻 vulnerable to pathogens - stomach acid is your first line of defense against ingested pathogens (bacteria, parasites, viruses, etc.)
👉🏻 poor protein breakdown
👉🏻 not able to absorb nutrients as efficiently
👉🏻 more susceptible to illnesses and GI infections.
Most people don’t make enough stomach acid for various reasons which I will talk about in my upcoming posts.
Are you experiencing any of these symptoms?
Drop your answer in the comments. 👇🏻
Check out my post on the signs and symptoms of Low Stomach Acid
Causes of Low Stomach Acid:
We talked about some symptoms of low stomach acid, so now let's talk about what could be causing your low stomach acid.
6 Possible Causes of Low Stomach Acid! (to name only a few of the most common)
😫 Stress - When the brain perceives you are stressed (stress can be - work/personal stress, over-exercising, under-eating, not sleeping, toxins, etc), the first thing it will do is significantly slow down or even shut down digestion.
🥦 Nutrient Deficiencies - You need certain nutrients to make stomach acid.. you also need enough stomach acid to absorb all of the nutrients you are taking in. A common nutrient that is deficient is zinc which is much needed for stomach acid production. B vitamins is another one that is a very common deficiency.
🐛H. pylori - This bacteria is a common cause of low stomach acid. When there’s an overgrowth of H pylori going on, you can almost always assume you are dealing with low stomach acid. 80%+ people have H. Pylori and arent even aware of it.
👵 Aging - As we age our stomach acid production is reduced significantly. In my coming post about natural ways to increase stomach acid will be helpful.
💊 Regular use of NSAID pain relievers (Advil, Naproxen, etc.) and Acid blocking medications (such as PPI medications and antacids like Tums, Rolaids, Gaviscon, etc.) - NSAIDs damage the gastric mucosa & acid-blocking medications suppresses your stomach acid (doing the opposite of what most people actually need.. When they need the complete opposite, to increase stomach acid not reduce it!
🍷 Excessive alcohol - Can damage the gastric mucosa which decreases gastric secretions.
Finding the root cause(s) is always the first step! Need to figure out why your stomach acid is low.
Check out my post about Causes of Low Stomach Acid
Natural Ways To Increase Your Stomach Acid:
1. 🤱Chew your food thoroughly as this primes your stomach for digestion.
2. 🥗Start your meal with a small salad of bitter leaves such as arugula, dandelion leaves or radicchio. You can even use premixed Organic Spring Mix Salad Greens.
3. 🥛Avoid drinking large amounts of water with or just before meals as this will dilute your gastric juices. Swap the water for gelatine and mineral-rich homemade bone broth. The gelatine in it stimulates digestive juices and helps with protein digestion.
4. 🍎Apple cider vinegar or lemon: these are very helpful in the short term to acidify your stomach environment. At the beginning of a meal or 10 mins before. 1-2 tsp apple cider vinegar or lemon juice in a very small glass of water. Apple cider vinegar and lemon are both very acidic and in the long term, they can damage the enamel on your teeth. To minimize this, sip them through a straw.
5. 🤫Eat in a peaceful, stress-free environment, enjoying your food. The smell and anticipation of food trigger gastric acid release.
These are just a few...I hope that you will try these easy simple tips.
Do you already do any of these tips?
If you do, drop in the comments which ones and how they have helped you.👇👇
Check out my post on 5 Natural Ways To Increase Stomach Acid
Functional Testing
Doing a GI-MAP test will test for Candida, H pylori, SIBO, gut dysbiosis, and so much more. They are common acid reflux culprits!
Conventional doctors don’t use this test, you would have to see a Practitioner or Naturopathic Doctor to do this test.
As a Practitioner, I run this test with my clients to get to the root cause of what is really going on inside your body. Taking the guesswork out and getting you feeling better faster!
I can guarantee you that acid reflux isn't your only symptom.
What is the GI-Map test, it is a comprehensive stool test done right in the comfort of your own home.
I have helped many suffering clients, I can help get rid of your acid reflux and uncomfortable symptoms so you don’t suffer anymore. You don’t have to live with it…..
I invite you to book a Free 30-min call to chat about your symptoms, and how I can help you like I have helped others!
Stay in touch and follow me on Social Media
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